Same shit. Different day.
We can continue to play into the games that we're being told to play or we can step back, zoom out, and see the reality that will never be televised.
We must listen to our friends and neighbors, even when we're angry, even when we disagree.
The closing of doors and ears in 2020 (and even previous to that) has led us to where we are. We all jumped on that train and we are responsible for where it has led us, whether we like the current view or not.
Every time we slice into the divide the divide becomes deeper and less manageable to cross. We've allowed the powers that be to slice, slice, slice. And then we, the people, slice as well; doing the labor of dividing ourselves from our neighbors, free of charge for those with the power.
We can either be a part of the machine and continue to deepen the divide or we can stand back from the machine and say "What the hell are we doing to ourselves?"
WE are doing this to ourselves. Not our neighbors, not the "other". We have done this to ourselves and will continue to do so until we stop doing the work for those who gain power and control from us never stepping back, taking a breath, and seeing the reality of why it feels like we keep getting further apart, and never closer.
All I want is conversation, understanding, and for us to meet in the grey area. But if we keep slicing, the grey area will be no more and there will be no place for us to meet. And that will be on all of us.
Love to those who feel joyful and love to those who are struggling. Life can be a major bitch and it can be full of beauty. Often both at the same time.